
This check verifies whether angle and radiuses of conical bend are within the specified value range.

This page discusses:


This check is used to verify that the minimum radius is smaller than the defined minimum radius. If the bend radius is too small, cracks or cuts may appear around the bend area, which can weaken the part.

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: ShmBend
Automatic Solution:
Check Parameters:
  • Minimum_LeftRadius: Length type.

    Specifies the minimum left radius allowed for the conical bend.

  • Minimum_RightRadius: Length type.

    Specifies the minimum right radius allowed for the conical bend.

  • Maximum_LeftRadius: Length type.

    Specifies the maximum left radius allowed for the conical bend.

  • Maximum_RightRadius: Length type.

    Specifies the maximum right radius allowed for the conical bend.

  • Minimum_Angle: Angle type.

    Specifies the minimum angle allowed for the conical bend.

  • Maximum_Angle: Angle type.

    Specifies the maximum angle allowed for the conical bend.