
This check verifies whether the angles between the boundaries of surface segments (patches) are in the specified range. If not, the elements are considered as incorrect.

Note: This check also applies to pseudo-corners. If the length of a boundary patch is smaller than the specified tolerance, the angle of the corner is computed between the boundaries of the degenerate boundary patch.

This page discusses:


If the angle between the boundaries of two adjacent surface segments is too small or too large, undefined normals can appear in the corners. This can generate waviness on the surface and potential issues with the creation of offsets.

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: PartFeature
Automatic Solution:
Check Parameters:
  • MaxAnglePseudoCorner: Angle type.

    Specifies the maximum angle value allowed for a pseudo-corner of the patch.

  • MinAnglePseudoCorner: Angle type.

    Specifies the maximum angle value allowed for a pseudo-corner of the patch.

  • MinLengthPatchBoundary: Length type.

    Specifies the tolerance length below which the boundary patch is considered as degenerate.

  • CheckOnlyFaceArea: Boolean type.

    Checks either the limits of the face or the maximum limits of its underlying surface.

  • MinAngleCorner: Angle type.

    Specifies the minimum angle value allowed for a corner of the patch.

  • MaxAngleCorner: Angle type.

    Specifies the maximum angle value allowed for a corner of the patch.