
This check verifies whether the names of detail sheets of a drawing correspond to the specifications. If not, the elements are considered as incorrect.

This page discusses:


The following checks can be performed:

  • Compare the name with regular expressions
  • Compare the name with a combination of strings.
This combination of strings can consist of fixed character strings and standard model properties.
Note: This check only verifies formal correctness, not the correctness of the contained information.

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: DrwSheet
Automatic Solution: : Renames detail sheets according to the specifications in fields StdDetailSheetNameIdentifier, StdDetailSheetNameReplace and StdDetailSheetNameReplaceBy.
Check Parameters:
  • StdDetailSheetNameFilename: String type.

    Specifies a string pattern which should be followed by all detail sheet names.

  • StdDetailSheetNameCaseSensitivity: Boolean type.

    Specifies case sensitiveness while checking detail sheet name. Default value is FALSE.

  • StdDetailSheetNameIdentifier: String type.

    Specifies what name should be used for renaming detail sheets which does not follow the specified naming pattern. To skip this healing option, it should be kept empty.

  • StdDetailSheetNameReplace: String List.

    Specifies a list of strings which should be replaced from detail sheets' names.

  • StdDetailSheetNameReplaceBy: String List.

    Specifies a list of strings which should replace corresponding strings of list StdDraftNameReplace from failed detail sheets' names.