
This check verifies whether the elements of a topological curve are tangent-continuous, that is whether there is no change in the tangential angle during the transition. If not, the curve is considered as incorrect.

This page discusses:


A tangent continuity corresponds to a transition between two curves with no change in the tangential angle.

Tangent discontinuities can be visible and felt on the resulting product.

Note: Normal discontinuities can be used intentionally to design chamfers, for example.

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: PartFeature
Automatic Solution:
Check Parameters:
  • Max_Angle_Deg: Angle type.

    Specifies the maximum angle value allowed between the tangents of adjacent curves. Above this value, the transition between curves is considered as tangent-discontinuous.

  • Min_Angle_Deg: Angle type.

    Specifies the minimum angle value allowed between the tangents of adjacent curves. Above this value, the tangent discontinuity is considered as intended by design and is not displayed as incorrect.