
This check verifies whether, in a topology with tangent-discontinuous transitions, the values of kink angles are within a specified range. If not, the elements are considered as incorrect.

This page discusses:


A tangent continuity corresponds to a transition between two curve segments with no change in the tangential angle.

Tangent discontinuities can be visible and felt on the resulting product.

Note: Normal discontinuities can be used intentionally to design chamfers, for example.

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: PartFeature
Automatic Solution:
Check Parameters:
  • Min_Angle_Deg: Angle type.

    Specifies the minimum curvature radius allowed. Above this value, the curvature transition between arcs will generate a G1-Discontinuity.

  • Max_Angle_Deg: Angle type.

    Specifies the maximum curvature radius allowed. Below this value, the curvature transition between arcs will generate a G1-Discontinuity.

  • Nb_Pts: Integer type.

    Specifies the size of the point sample used to check the G1-Discontinuity.