Generated drawings are based on a 3D part. However, no elements that modify the drawing
geometry must be added. Additional drawing elements can be misinterpreted and lead to errors
in the fabricated part.
Use this check to verify the presence of nondesired entities in a drawing or to delete the
interactively created entities.
Some entities can be ignored by the check if they have been defined in the parameters
before using the check.
Check Information
Check Details |
Description |
Applicable to: |
DrwDrawing |
Automatic Solution: |
: Deletes non-associative drawing elements. |
Check Parameters: |
- Non_Associative_2DGeometry_Elements_List: Multi Value
It contains list of all the 2D geometry elements which are non
associative. The elements in this list are: 2DGeometry, 2DCurve 2DPoint,
2DLine, 2DCircle, 2DEllipse, 2DParabola, 2DHyperbola, 2DUnspec,
2DFrozenSpline, 2DCurveEquation, 2DConcatenatedCurve, 2DCstPoint,
2DCstPoint_Tangent, 2DSplineCurve, 2DConnectCurve, 2DConicCurve,
2DPointOnCurve, 2DPolyline, 2DFixTogether.
- Allowed_Elements_List: Multi Value Parameter.
contains list of drawing entities allowed as exception. The Elements of
this list are: 2DGeometry, 2DCurve, 2DPoint, 2DLine, 2DCircle, 2DEllipse,
2DParabola, 2DHyperbola, 2DUnspec, 2DFrozenSpline, 2DCurveEquation,
2DConcatenatedCurve, 2DCstPoint 2DCstPoint_Tangent, 2DSplineCurve,
2DConnectCurve, 2DConicCurve, 2DPointOnCurve, 2DPolyline, 2DFixTogether,
DrwBalloon, DrwDimension, DrwCoordDimension, DrwDatumFeature, DrwDatumTarget,
DrwRough, DrwWelding, DrwText, DrwGDT, DrwArrow, DrwTable, DrwAnnBroken,
DrwDimSystem, DrwCallout, AnnViewText, DrwAnnLabel, AnnIndicatorEdge,
DrwThread, DrwCenterLine, DrwAxisLine, DrwAreaFill, DrwPicture, DrwDitto,
DrwSheet, DrwDrawing, DrwDetail, DrwView, HLRView, Projected3DGeometrySet,
Projected2DGeometrySet, R6ProjectedGeometrySet, R7ProjectedGeometrySet,
R6SilhouetteGeometrySet, Intersected3DGeometrySet, Intersected2DGeometrySet,
R6IntersectedGeometrySet, R7IntersectedGeometrySet, OffsetGeometrySet,
R7Imported3DGeometry, 2DClothoidCurve, 2DDatum, SketchSupport,
2DAxis_HDirection, 2DAxis_VDirection, 2DAxis_Origin, 2DOutput, OutputManager,
2DOutputProfile, 2DOutputAxis, 2DOutputPlane, Sketch.