
The check verifies whether drawings contain 2D components with external links to catalogs.

This page discusses:


Reusable objects such as drawing frames or title blocks are usually inserted from a catalog. The component instances are linked by default to the catalog. When a drawing contains 2D components that are linked to a catalog, problems can occur in case of data exchange.

2D components can be exposed or exploded after or during its creation. Exposing or exploding a 2D component cuts any existing link between a 2D component instance and its reference in a catalog, by creating (from the reference in the catalog) a 2D component reference on a detail sheet.

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: DrwDitto
Automatic Solution:
Check Parameters:
  • StdNonExposedDetail_Expose: Boolean.

    Used while correction. This healing function copies linked 2D components from the catalog to a detail sheet in the checked drawing. The external link is replaced by an internal link.

    Note: By default, the value is set to False.
  • StdNonExposedDetail_ExposeInSheet: String.

    If StdNonExposedDetail_Expose is True, then this option specifies the name of detail sheet in which linked 2D components should be copied.

  • StdNonExposedDetail_Explode: Boolean.

    The instance of the externally linked 2D component is exploded, that is converted to independent drawing elements. The external link is removed.

    Note: By default, the value is set to False.