
This check verifies whether the names of certain result elements are fully or partly the same as the names of the associated geometrical sets.

This page discusses:


Use healing to adapt the name of the result element or a specified substring of the name to the body name.

For manual healing, right-click the element and click Properties. In the Component Properties tab, specify the new name in the Component name box.

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: OpenBodyFeature
Automatic Solution:
Check Parameters:
  • ResultElementTypes: Multi Value Parameter type.

    Specifies the types of result elements to be checked.

    Note: By default, the value is set to 'GeometricFeature'.

  • CaptureBodyNames: Multi Value Parameter type.

    Specifies the names of bodies to be checked and the required names of result elements. You can use regular expressions.

    Note: By default, the value is set to '.*'.

  • CaptureResultElementNames: Multi Value Parameter type.

    Specifies a regular expression for the solid name.

    Note: By default, the value is set to '.*'.

  • IgnoreResultElements: Multi Value Parameter type.

    Lists the names of result elements excluded from the check. You can use regular expressions.

    Note: By default, the value is set to 'Geometrical Set.*'.