A sheet can contain one or more of views. Use this check each time a view is created in a
Check Information
Check Details |
Description |
Applicable to: |
DrwDrawing |
Automatic Solution: |
Check Parameters: |
- Allow_Single_Occurrence_Only: Boolean type.
If this
option is set to true, the names of sheets and views in the
Sheet_Names and View_Names value
list must exist only once. If this option is set to false, the names may exist
more than once. Names are ignored if they are not specified in the value list.
By default, the value is set to FALSE.
- Sheet_Names: String List type.
Specifies the names of
required sheets. You can use Regular Expressions.
- View_Names: String List type.
Specifies the names of
required views on these sheets. You can use Regular Expressions.