
This check verifies whether a specified character string in the solid name (checked name) corresponds to a specified character string in the part name (base of comparison).

This page discusses:


Use healing to rename the solid names having incorrect names according to the naming rules.

Right-click the element and click Properties. In the Component Properties tab, specify the new name according to the naming rules in the Component name box.

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: PartFeature
Automatic Solution:
Check Parameters:
  • ParameterSet: Integer type.

    This check can be performed based on one of the following alternative parameter sets:

    • Use parameter set 1 to check using fixed specifications. Sub-strings at a fixed character position and of a fixed length will be checked.
    • Use parameter set 2 for a more flexible check definition. For example, you can compare sub-strings of different lengths and starting at different character positions.
    The following parameters apply only when ParameterSet equals 1, except for CaptureSolidNames and CapturePartNames, used with the parameter set 2 and for the AtLeastOneConditionMustMatch option, used with both parameter sets.

  • Position: Integer type.

    Specifies the starting position of the solid name sub-string to be checked.

    Note: By default, the value is set to 0.

  • NumberOfCharacters: Integer type.

    Specifies the number of characters to compare.

    Note: By default, the value is set to 5.

  • IgnoreWhiteSpaces : Boolean type.

    If the option is selected, white-space characters in the model name will be ignored when comparing.

    Note: By default, the value is set to TRUE.

  • CheckEnumeration: Boolean type.

    If the option is selected, number suffixes of solid names are checked regarding their format (number of characters and separator) and regarding continuous numbering.

    Note: By default, the value is set to TRUE.

  • AllowedSeparator: String type.

    Specifies the separator between the element name and the numeric suffix.

  • NumberOfCharactersForEnumeration: Integer type.

    Specifies the number of digits allowed in the numeric suffix.

    Note: By default, the value is set to 1.

  • CaptureSolidNames: Multi Value Parameter type.

    Specifies a regular expression for the solid name.

    Note: By default, the values are set to:
    • PartBody
    • Body(.*)

  • CapturePartNames: Multi Value Parameter type.

    Specifies a regular expression for the part name.

    Note: By default, the value is set to '.*'.

  • AtLeastOneConditionMustMatch: Boolean type.

    If set to true, every body must comply with all rules. If set to false, every body must comply with at least one rule.