
This check verifies whether the length of a curve segment is within the specified range of non-allowed values. If so, the curve is considered as incorrect.

This page discusses:


Topological curves can consist of multiple curves. If a curve segment is smaller than a specified value, the element can become invalid or degenerate. It can also generate gaps later on in the design process, for example after specific design operation such as scalings or offsets.

Tiny curve can be created involuntarily in the following situations:

  • Performing a filleting operation.
  • Closing a mechanism by bridging small gaps.
  • Closing a mechanism by overlapping features or entities.
  • Intersecting faces that are not partitioned correctly.

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: PartFeature
Automatic Solution:
Check Parameters:
  • MaxLength: Length type.

    Specifies the maximum length of a curve segment allowed. Above this value, the curve is considered as incorrect.

  • MinLength: Length type.

    Specifies the minimum length of a curve segment allowed. Any shorter element is considered as incorrect, except for the elements with a set “Length greater than” parameter.