
This check verifies whether the length of face edge segments (arcs) is within the specified range of non-allowed values. If so, the elements are considered as incorrect.

This page discusses:


The boundary of a face can consist of several boundary curves. For example, boundary curves are created when the segment boundaries of a patch are transformed into segment boundaries of an arc.

If a boundary curve is smaller than a specified value, the element can become invalid or degenerate. It can also cause the loss of a face or of a topology.

A boundary curve can consist of several fragments, created unintentionally during the filleting of the geometry, for example. Fragments are neglected if they are smaller than the system tolerance. If not, they can also become invalid or degenerate and cause the loss of a face or topology.

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: PartFeature
Automatic Solution:
Check Parameters:
  • MaxLength: Length type.

    Specifies the maximum length allowed for a face edge segment. If the value is set to zero, the parameter is ignored.

  • MinLength: Length type.

    Specifies the minimum length allowed for a face edge segment.