
This check verifies whether the size of surface segments (patch) is within the specified range of non-allowed values. If so, an error is displayed.

This page discusses:


There are two types of surface segments depending on the patch size:

  • Tiny surface segment: the extension of the segment is smaller than the specified value in both directions.
  • Narrow surface segment: the extension of the segment is smaller than the specified value in one direction.

If a surface is smaller than a specified value, the element can become invalid and degenerate. It can also generate discontinuities or gaps in the topology, or cause the loss of a face or of a topology.

Tiny faces can be created involuntarily due to system automatisms, such as the closing of gaps during data transfer.

Check Information

Check Details Description
Applicable to: PartFeature
Automatic Solution:
Check Parameters:
  • MinArea: Area type.

    Specifies the minimum area allowed for a surface patch.

  • MaxArea: Area type.

    Specifies the maximum area allowed for a surface patch. If the value is set to zero, the parameter is ignored.

  • TypeOfMeasure_AreaOrLength: Integer type .

    Computes either the area or the perimeter of the patch (Area = 0, Perimeter = 1).

  • Check_NarrowPatch: Boolean type.

    Checks that a face length in the U or V direction is included in the MinArea/MaxArea interval.