Drawings are often plotted using automated applications. The plot area is usually defined
by the dimensions of the drawing sheet. Geometry which is not positioned within the plot
area will not appear on the plot. As a result, some information is missing.
In this example, all the views are within the drawing sheet.

In this example, one of the views is outside of the sheet and will not appear on the plot.

Check information
Check Details |
Description |
Applicable to: |
DrwDrawing |
Automatic Solution: |
Check Parameters: |
- Ignore_Background_View: Boolean type.
If this option is
selected as True, elements in the background view are ignored in the
check. Note:
By default, the value is set to True.
- Ignore_Elements_In: String type.
By default, the value is set to Non-Visible.
- Ignore_Elements: Multi Value Parameter type.
- 2DCircle
- 2DConcatenatedCurve
- 2DConicCurve
- 2DConnectCurve
- 2DCstPoint
- 2DCstPoint_Tangent
- 2DCurve
- 2DCurveEquation
- 2DEllipse
- 2DFrozenSpline
- 2DHyperbola
- 2DLine
- 2DParabola
- 2DPoint
- 2DPointOnCurve
- 2DPolyline
- 2DSplineCurve
- 2DUnspec
- AnnIndicatorEdge
- AnnViewText
- DrwAnnBroken
- DrwAnnLabel
- DrwArrow
- DrwBalloon
- DrwCallout
- DrwCoordDimension
- DrwDatumFeature
- DrwDatumTarget
- DrwDimension
- DrwDimSystem
- DrwGDT
- DrwRough
- DrwTable
- DrwText
- DrwWelding
By default, nothing is selected.
- Ignore_Elements_In_Checkbox: Boolean type.
If this
option is selected as True, the elements that are selected in the
'Ignore_Elements' options are ignored in the check. Note:
By default, the value
is set to False.
- Ignore_Element_By_Name: List (String) type.
To exclude
elements with certain names from the check, enter Regular Expressions matching
the names of these elements.
- Ignore_Visual_Clipping: Boolean type.
If this option is
selected, the entire geometry inside the view is checked. If this option
is not selected, only geometry elements are checked that are located within
the visual clipping frame. Drawing elements partly or entirely outside the
visual clipping frame are ignored. Note:
By default, the value is set to
- Show_Features_outside_of_Sheet_as_View_SubItems: Boolean
This option controls the degree of detail for visual error analysis
for the Q-Checker analysis window. If this option is not selected, the
analysis tree shows the views but not the particular geometry
elements. If this option is activated, the particular geometry elements
are displayed as sub-elements of views in the analysis tree. Note:
default, the value is set to False.
- Tolerance: Real type.
Specify the maximum allowed
distance between geometry elements and the drawing sheet. Note:
By default,
the value is set to 0.