Creating Custom Checks and Preconditions in Quality Rules Capture

In this step of the tutorial, you will learn how to create custom checks and preconditions using Quality Rules Capture.

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  1. Start by clicking the 3D quadrant of the compass and searching for Quality Rules Capture. Click on the icon to open it.
  2. Click Insert New Rule Set at the bottom of the action bar.
    The Ruleset dialog box is displayed. Edit the title.
    Important: Select True in the Candidate for QRC product section.
  3. Click OK.

    Your ruleset now appears in the tree.

  4. Right-click on your ruleset and select Insert > Insert New Rule Set.
  5. Edit the title and, again, be sure to select True in the Candidate for QRC product section.

    Repeat as required.

  6. Right-click the Program_A_Rules node in the tree and scroll down to Insert > Insert New Check.
    A new Content tab is displayed at the right of the screen. Click on Check, edit the Title, and click OK.
  7. The PLM Check Editor is displayed. Now add a new Argument and Type.
  8. Add an EKL script in the editor and click Apply > OK.

    Repeat as required.

  9. Create a filter to avoid reprocessing a specific check. Right-click the Program_A_Filter node and select Insert > Insert New Filter.

    Important: Select True in the Candidate for QRC product section.

  10. In the Filtering Check Editor, add an Argument and a Type followed by an EKL script. Click Apply > OK.
  11. Create a precondition by right-clicking the Program_A_Precondition node and selecting Insert > Insert New Precondition.
  12. Edit the precondition title.
    The Precondition Editor opens. Enter an EKL script. Click Apply > OK.