Creating a Profile in Quality Rules Configuration

In this step of the tutorial, we'll create a Profile to run the checks on a model.

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  1. Click the 3D quadrant of the Compass. Search for Quality Rules Configuration and open it.
  2. Click Create Profile. Enter a Profile Name > Description. Click OK.
  3. Define the limit from which the quality is considered not reached in the Certification tab. Select Automatic. Enter 80 to specify anything below 80 to be valid.
  4. Click on the default Processing Group and rename it. Click Manage checks to add the checks.
  5. Locate the checks you want to add and drag-and-drop them into the left panel. When finished, click Add Checks and close the window.

    Note: You can add a single check or a whole ruleset.

  6. Repeat as required to create multiple Processing Groups.
  7. Edit the severity of a check by locating the check in the Checks Manager and scrolling down to Edit Severity. Edit the parameters as required. Click Update > Close.

    For more information, see Locked_Views.

  8. Click Stop Condition to create a stop condition that will stop the execution of the checks of the quality is out of limits after the first run of the Basic Checks.
  9. Select a Target, an operator that specifies the quality, and a value. Click OK.
  10. Connect the stop condition with the basic checks by dragging and dropping the green connector line between the boxes.
  11. Click Precondition to create a precondition that skips the Maturity_B processing group based on an attribute value.
  12. Choose Maturity_B in the precondition editor.
  13. Select the precondition created in Knowledge Expert.