Simulating a Parametric Task

You can run a parametric simulation by defining a range of parameter values.

Before you begin:
  • Create an assessment template.
  • Setup simulation parameters.
  1. In the tree, select an assessment template.
  2. From the Design section of the action bar, click Parametric Simulation Task .
  3. In the Parametric Simulation Task dialog box:
    1. Enter a title for the task.
    2. Select a type.
  4. In the Input Parameters area:
    1. To add parameters to the task, drag them into the Input Parameters area.
    2. To generate a range of values, select a parameter and click Define range .
  5. In the Output Variables area:
    1. To add variables to the task, drag them into the Output Variables area.
    2. Under the Type column, select the type of plot to be generated for each variable.
    3. Under the Plot column, select the plot window number.
  6. Click Simulate .