Model Specifications Context Menus

This section lists the context menus available on objects in the dialog box of model specifications. To see the menus, right-click an object.

This page discusses:

Table Header

Clear All
Removes all the row groups dragged into the row grouping box.
Pin Left
Pins the selected column to the left end of the table.
Pin Right
Pins the selected column to the right end of the table.
No Pin
Unpins the selected column.
Size Column to Fit
Resizes the width of the column to optimally fit its content.
Size All Columns to Fit
Resizes the width all the columns to optimally fit their content.
Custom Views
Open the table customization dialog box.


Cancels the change made to the selected parameter.
Reset All
Cancels all the changes made to the parameters of the component.
Reframe On
Centers the diagram view on the component.