You can create
instances of Modelica classes in a target model from the diagram view and connect these
instances.You can move these instances and connections to adjust the diagram
From the Design section of the action bar,
click Composition Mode.
The tree displays the Modelica Packages Browser.
To add a Modelica library to the browser, drag the library from 3DSearch
into the browser.
You can click in the
class browser to search the libraries.
To add a component to the diagram, drag it from the browser into the work area.
The class appears as a component instance in the
components that cannot be edited or moved are surrounded by a red square when you hover
over them. Similarly, the rest of the components are surrounded by a blue square.
To create a connection, drag a component connector onto another connector.
To move a component in the work area,
drag the component to the desired location.
You can rotate or flip the components. The connections are automatically
updated to account for the changed layout.
To move a connection, select the connection and drag its control points to another
You cannot move the components and connections inherited from a parent class.