Creating a Net Surface

You can create a net surface or a subdivision surface based on an existing set of curves or edges.

Before you begin: Create a shape in a sketch containing several curves or edges.
See Also
Working in Sketches
  1. From the Subdivision section of the action bar, click Net Surface .
  2. In the Net Surface dialog box, select the type of feature to create:
    Net surface feature Creates a net surface between the selected curves or edges.

    Note: Any modification of the selected curves or edges impacts the geometry of the associated shape.

    Subdivision surface Creates a subdivision surface between the selected curves or edges.

    Note: The modification of the selected curves or edges does not impact the geometry of the associated shape.

    Tip: When creating a Net surface feature, you can also select joined curves or lines as guides. To do so, from the action bar, click Convert Entities to convert the entities into sketch segments. You can then use the new sketch as a guide.

    For more information, see Converting External Geometries and Sketches.

  3. To define guides, select curves or edges in the work area.
  4. On the Guide Cuts context toolbar, specify the number of meshes or faces to create along the guide direction.
  5. To define profiles, select curves or edges in the work area.
  6. On the Profile Cuts context toolbar, specify the number of meshes or faces to create along the profile direction.
  7. Optional: Click the Flip Guides/Profiles icon to invert the orientation of the feature.
  8. Click .

The net surface or subdivision surface is created.

Element Result
Net Surface
Subdivision Surface