From the Subdivision section of the action bar, click Link
In the Link dialog box, select the geometric elements to
associate to the subdivision surface.
You can select sketches entities and curve features.
The selected elements are highlighted in green and the constraint icon 
appears next to them. 
Select the subdivision elements to associate to the geometric elements.
You can select vertices, edges, and faces.
The selected elements are highlighted in green. The link between the elements is
represented by blue dotted lines. 
The subdivision surface is linked to the selected geometric elements. In the tree, the icon  appears next to
the linked subdivision surface.
Move the geometric entities to modify the subdivision surface.
- Optional:
To edit the selected subdivision elements, click the constraint icon
and select Edit Link.
The Link dialog box appears, letting you update the
subdivision elements to link.
- Optional:
To delete the link, click the constraint icon
and select Delete.
If every link is deleted, the standard subdivision surface icon is displayed again
in the tree.