From the
Subdivision section of the
action bar,
A cone is displayed in the
work area.
Select a plane or planar face for the subdivision.
Repeatedly press
Tab to cycle through the orientation of the
subdivision on the various planes.
Click in the
work area
to place the cone in the approximate location you want.
Optional: From the work area, in the Freeform
dialog box, do the following to adjust the end conditions of the feature:
- Click Midplane to extend the feature equally in
both directions from the sketch plane. This specifies overall
- Select Flip to reverse the orientation of the
feature and direction of the pull.
- Drag the Scale slider to scale the size of the
subdivision body. It is set to 100 by default.
- Select Crease edges to crease the edges of the
subdivision body so that it no longer has round corners.
Click in the text boxes and enter the number of subdivision in the
mesh cage.
Drag the arrows to define the height and width.
FreeForm dialog box.
Drag the
Robot arrows to position the cone.
Optional: Drag the mesh points and faces to customize
the shape of the cone.
To assist with selecting the mesh entities, the following options are available:
- For faces, press i or o to
select a face loop around the subdivision. Click near an edge of the
face to select the direction of the loop.
- For edges, press i to select edge rings around
the subdivision, or press o to select edge loop
around the subdivision.
