Creating Electronic Logical Components

You can create electronic logical components that store symbol and pin definitions. Likewise, you can create electronic logical pins that store the electronic component's logical data.

  1. From the top bar, create an electronic logical component by clicking > New Content > Circuit Board Design > Electronic Logical Component. You can also search for Electronic Logical Component at the bottom of the New Content panel.
    The Electronic Logical Component Type is visible in the Properties.
  2. Specify the V_PreferPhysicalComponent and V_PreferPackageFootprint attributes in the Reference section of the Properties panel.
  3. From Electrical Systems Design, click Create Logical Port
    The Electronic Logical Pin is now embedded in the port.
  4. Double-click the Electronic Logical Component in the tree to open the New Content panel.
  5. From Electronic Components > Electronic Logical Pin, open the Electronic Logical Pin panel.
  6. Specify the Direction and SubType of the Electronic Logical Pin in the panel.
    1. Specify the System Type Association panel.
  7. From the Electronic Logical Component > Extensions > Port > Electronic Logical Pin, right-click and select Properties to visualize the Electronic Logical Pin Type in the Port tab.

You have created an Electronic Logical Component and its Pin.