About Organizations

Administrator users can use tools to define and maintain person and organizational details.

These tools let you manage aspects of persons and organizations beyond the baseline behavior.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Administrator

This page discusses:

Types of Organizations

There are four types of organizations:

  • Company
  • Business unit
  • Department

The term company, sometimes called parent company, refers to a top-level corporate entity. A business unit is an operating unit of a company. All organization types can have employees. A company can also have many business units.

The organization types Business Unit and Department are used to define organizational structure. Use these types to replicate your company's organization chart. If your company doesn't have Business Units, you do not need to use that organizational type. You can design your organizational profile to match exactly how your company is organized.

When you create a Company or other organization type, the corresponding role structure with the same naming convention is also created. This role structure is not used by Collaboration and Approvals , but it is the basis for the People and Organization model used by CATIA, DELMIA, and SIMULIA apps for defining credentials and to expand that model. If you make changes to organization types, the corresponding role structure is also modified; however if you delete an organization type, the corresponding role is not deleted.

Every registered employee must be associated with a company and can also be associated with a business unit and department within the company.

An organization can have several Administrator users. These users have access to information for their own organization and all subordinate organizations. For example, XYZ Corp may have 2 business units, W Corp and V Corp. The Administrator for XYZ Corp can add and modify information for both W Corp and V Corp. The Administrator for V Corp can add and modify information only for V Corp.

If a business unit has no Administratorassigned to it, then all notifications that would normally go to the Administrator for the business unit are sent to the Administrator of the parent company.

Recommended Apps for Administrative Tasks

Several tools are available to work with people, organizations, and content. This table lists the preferred tool for each platform type:

Function On the Cloud On Premises Baseline Behavior On Premises Customer-Specific Behavior
Recommended Tool Tools not to Use Recommended Tool Tools not to Use Recommended Tool Tools not to Use
Inviting persons (Creating users) Members Control Center Collaboration and Approvals Members Control Center or VPLMPosImport Collaboration and Approvals or MQL Members Control Center or VPLMPosImport Collaboration and Approvals, Manage P&O and Content, or MQL
Managing groups User Groups VPLMPosImport MQL VPLMPosImport MQL
Assigning roles Members Control Center Members Control Center or VPLMPosImport MQL Members Control Center or VPLMPosImport Manage P&O and Content or MQL
Managing organizations Collaboration and Approvals (Advanced Profile) Collaboration and Approvals (Advanced Profile) or VPLMPosImport MQL Collaboration and Approvals (Advanced Profile) or VPLMPosImport MQL
Managing collaborative spaces 3DSpace 3DSpace or VPLMPosImport Manage P&O and Content or MQL Manage P&O and Content or VPLMPosImport MQL
Adding attributes Collaborative Spaces Control Center Data Model Customization or Collaborative Spaces Control Center MQL Data Model Customization or Collaborative Spaces Control Center MQL
Defining predicate for 6W filtering Enterprise Control Center Enterprise Control Center MQL or config.xml Manage P&O and Content or VPLMPosImport MQL or config.xml
Defining new roles Not available Manage P&O and Content or VPLMPosImport MQL
Defining new policies Not available MQL

In addition, the Legacy ENOVIA Web Apps Customization Guide provides information for a developer or an architect to create custom apps or functionality. Do not use the information in that guide to perform any of the functions listed in the above table.