Reassigning (Delegating) a Task to Someone Else

If you are assigned a route task and the route task owner has indicated that you can delegate the task, you can reassign the task to another person only if you are the initial assignee. If the task is reassigned one time by the initial assignee, it cannot be reassigned again. The route owner can reassign any active task regardless of the value for Allow Delegation.

When you reassign a task to someone, that person becomes the new task assignee and is now the only person who can complete the task. The assignee inherits all the accesses that you have for the route and its content. These accesses are only temporary and are removed when the route is completed. The original assignee's access to the route and content remains and the list of members for the route continues to list the original assignee and not the delegate. If the task has a subroute, you remain the owner of the subroute, not your delegate. The new assignee is notified of the delegated task.

Notifications are managed by 3DNotification. You can view notifications in the Notification Center, and you can select to receive email notifications. Notifications include links to the route or task. Links for routes open the properties for the route in Route Management and links for tasks open in Collaborative Tasks. For more information, see Social and Collaborative: Enterprise Modeling and Execution: Route Management: 3DNotifications for Routes and Tasks.

If you reassign a task for which you have created subroutes, you remain the owner of the subroutes. The new task assignee cannot complete the task until your subroutes are complete.

Required access roles: All

Before you begin:
  • For an active task, view the properties for the task you want to delegate. See Route Task Properties.
  • For a pending task, select the task from the Task page for the route. See Tasks Page.
  1. On the Properties page, click Change Assignee in the page toolbar.

    For a pending task, Change Assignee is not available to the route owner. The route owner can only reassign a pending task to route members.

    The Due Date only appears if the task allows the assignee to set the due date. Change the date if required.

  2. Choose to reassign the task to a Person. You can assign it to another person, but not an access role.
  3. Click the New Assignee . For more information, see Predefined Queries.
  4. Enter any comments. These comments are only used in the notification sent to the new assignee and route owner when you click Done.
  5. Click Done.