Creating Languages

An Organization Manager or Administrator can create a language (as defined by the International Standards Organization (ISO)) to associate with countries and regions. You can add the 2- and 3-letter ISO codes for the language.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Administrator
  • App-specific: Organization Manager

Before you begin: You can obtain the ISO 639 standard at and from many other Internet sites.
  1. View the Languages page tab in the Geography Configuration PowerView. See Geography Configuration PowerView.
  2. From the page toolbar, click Create Language .
  3. Enter the language details:

    Field Name Description
    Name The name of the language.
    Description The detailed description of the language.
    2 Letter The two letter ISO code for the language.
    3 Letter The three letter ISO code for the language.

  4. Click Done.

    You must make the language Active before it can be used for a submission or regulatory request in Market Registration.