Creating Notes

You can create a note.

Before you begin: View the list of notes. See Notes Page.
  1. View the list of notes. For more information, see Notes Page.
  2. From the page Actions menu or toolbar, click Create New.


    From the top bar, click > Team > Create Note. If your system includes custom note types, select the type of note you want to create.

  3. Enter the following details (the type and policy fields are for your information only; they cannot be changed):

    Field Name Description
    Name Type a name for the note, or check the Autoname check box.
    Title A short title for the note.
    Description Type a brief description for the note.
    Reported Against Click to search for the object you want to create the note for. See step 4.
    Subscribers Click to search for users to subscribe to the note.
    Body Enter text in the box and click the Public Reply or Private Reply button. This box creates an initial discussion for the note. You can also participate in discussions from your general Discussions page or the Discussions page for the note.

    Only employees of the host company, and its business units, divisions, and departments, can view Private messages.

    Original Note URL This field is only used with Notes migrated from ProjectSync and may not show on your system. You should not enter anything in this field.

  4. To select a Reported Against object:
    1. In the left pane, click Reported Against to search for an object, or Reported against DesignSync File/Folder to search for a file or folder in DesignSync.
    2. Enter search criteria.
    3. Click Find.
    4. Select the needed item.
    5. Click Done.
    The selected object is entered in the Reported Against field.
  5. Click Done. Your change is added to the thread.