Laminates and Their Data Representation
Below is some information about the role of the laminates and the evolution of their data
The main input for the Composites designers is:
- The reference surface that supports the plies (main geometry).
- The zone map and stacking table coming from the stress office, resulting from a FEA
The stacking table (typically given as a spreadsheet) defines the requested laminate for each zone of the reference surface. The laminates ensure that the
structure resists to the expected stress.
A laminate can be given as:
- A stacking sequence, that defines precisely the stacking as an up-down
ordered list of layers, characterized by their material, orientation, and possibly a
layer key.
- A thickness law, that only indicates the number of layers
for each couple of material/direction used.
- A Main Stacking Sequence, that is an
ordered list of layers. Each layer is defined by its material and direction, and
optionally a layer level and a layer name.
A thickness law can be retrieved from a stacking sequence, whereas several stacking sequences
correspond to a same thickness law.
Before V6R2013x, the laminate is dealt with differently by the Grid
Approach and the Solid Approach:
- In the Solid Approach, the laminate is explicitly implemented as a feature visible in
the tree, under each zone. The laminate is defined for a given
zone, and can only be edited as a thickness law: for one or several materials, the
number of layers is given for each possible orientation. Designers can select an
existing laminate in the tree and fill in the thickness law directly from it.
- In the Grid Approach, the laminate is not explicitly implemented as a feature, and is
not visible in the tree. For each cell of the grid, the laminate can be
defined as a stacking sequence, or as a thickness law. Two laminates can be defined: The
reference one, and a modified one. Laminates can be defined globally for all the cells
by importing/exporting a grid definition file, and stacking can be propagated to several
In V6R2013x laminates have been enhanced to extended laminates:
- Extended laminates can be defined at the start of the design, using
Composites Parameters, or later, while editing grids or zones.
- The extended laminates can be explicitly defined either as a stacking sequence or
a thickness law, using Composites Parameters, in both Grid
Approach and Solid Approach.
Definition as a stacking sequence is possible in
Solid Approach, for compliance reasons. However, the laminate is considered as
defined by a thickness law, meaning the material is defined for a given zone and
edited only as a thickness law.
- They can also be implicitly defined when importing grid data from external data or
from a virtual stacking: extended laminates are created if existing ones do not
cover the needs, that is, if the stacking used for a cell does not correspond to an
existing extended laminate.
- Both Excel and text file formats are supported to define the laminates through
import/export capabilities.
- New laminates can be created on the fly, without exiting the grid cell or zone
definition commands. They are visible under Composites
- Automatic creation of extended laminates with grid cell or zone definition
commands can be de-activated, to use only validated extended laminates (for example
for compliance with in-house rules).
- Information is displayed when extended laminates have been created after an
import, or when automatic creation is disabled and missing laminates are found.
- The list of laminates is visible at a glance under the Composites
Parameters node in the tree.
- Existing laminates are easy to reuse.
- Laminates can be renamed to meet a company standard.
- A color is associated to each laminate for a more stable 3D visualization.
- Each cell of a grid (Grid Approach), or zone (Solid Approach) points to an extended
laminate to define its local stacking. A grid cell can point to two extended laminates
(reference and modified).
An automatic migration to extended laminates is started when you
open an old model, that creates a laminate object for each laminate
found in grids and zones.
Main Stacking Sequence
You can import a spreadsheet defining a Main Stacking Sequence and all
associated laminates to be used in a model (one laminate per column).
This spreadsheet looks as follows:
Material |
Orientation |
Level |
Name |
Laminate.1 |
Laminate.2 |
Laminate.3 |
Laminate.4 |
Laminate.5 |
Laminate.6 |
Unidir Material |
0° |
85 |
Seq.1 |
0° |
0° |
0° |
0° |
0° |
0° |
Unidir Material |
45° |
75 |
Seq.2 |
45° |
45° |
45° |
45° |
45° |
45° |
Unidir Material |
90° |
45 |
Seq.3 |
90° |
90° |
90° |
90° |
90° |
90° |
Unidir Material |
-45° |
80 |
Seq.4 |
-45° |
-45° |
-45° |
-45° |
-45° |
-45° |
Unidir Material |
0° |
34 |
Seq.5 |
0° |
0° |
0° |
Unidir Material |
45° |
22 |
Seq.6 |
45° |
45° |
45° |
Unidir Material |
0° |
36 |
Seq.7 |
0° |
0° |
0° |
Unidir Material |
-45° |
19 |
Seq.8 |
-45° |
-45° |
-45° |
Unidir Material |
90° |
47 |
Seq.9 |
90° |
90° |
90° |
Unidir Material |
-45° |
17 |
Seq.10 |
-45° |
-45° |
Unidir Material |
0° |
20 |
Seq.11 |
0° |
0° |
Unidir Material |
45° |
25 |
Seq.12 |
45° |
45° |
Unidir Material |
0° |
82 |
Seq.13 |
0° |
0° |
Unidir Material |
45° |
73 |
Seq.14 |
45° |
45° |
45° |
45° |
45° |
In the model, this import generates or updates:
- A Main Stacking Sequence
(first two columns), which is an ordered list of layers, defined by a material and
an orientation (compulsory), and a layer level and a layer name (optional, can be
left blank). Once generated, the Main Stacking Sequence can be
used to create the virtual stacking.
- Stacking sequence laminates (following columns) linked to the Main Stacking Sequence as shown
below where the Main Stacking Sequence is on
the left, the Laminate.4 is on the right.

- Optionally, the second line of the spreadsheet can contain a color index for each
laminate. In this case, material ID, orientation, and level (first three columns) are
left blank and name (fourth column) is replaced by keyword ColorIdx.
Material |
Orientation |
Level |
Name |
Laminate.1 |
Laminate.2 |
Laminate.3 |
ColorIdx |
15 |
18 |
20 |
Carbon |
0° |
85 |
Seq.1 |
0° |
0° |
Carbon |
45° |
75 |
Seq.2 |
45° |
45° |
Carbon |
90° |
45 |
Seq.3 |
90° |
90° |
Carbon |
-45° |
80 |
Seq.4 |
-45° |
Carbon |
0° |
34 |
Seq.5 |
0° |
0° |
0° |
Carbon |
45° |
22 |
Seq.6 |
45° |
45° |
Main Stacking Sequence and
Composites Parameters
- If defined for one line, the layer name must be defined for all, and be unique.
- If defined for one line, layer level must be defined for all and be a numerical
- Material ID and orientations must correspond to those existing in the model.
- All orientations must be the same on a given line and one orientation must be
defined for each line.
- All color indices, if any, must be unique.
- Laminates in the model are not deleted if not present in the imported file.
- Laminates previously defined from a Main Stacking Sequence, that have
become incompatible with the newly imported Main Stacking Sequence, are
turned into standard stacking sequences. A warning is displayed.
- If a virtual stacking had been created from a Main Stacking Sequence and has
become incompatible with the newly imported Main Stacking Sequence, a warning
is displayed and the link to the Main Stacking Sequence is
- Existing laminates are updated with the information of imported laminates with the
same name.
- Each laminate receives a color index, that contained in the import file if it
exists, an automatic one otherwise.
A Main Stacking Sequence and its
associated laminates can be exported using the same format as for import but
systematically includes color indices in second line.
If you re-import a Main Stacking Sequence, the current
Main Stacking Sequence and its
associated laminate are updated.
- When an existing laminate corresponds to a reimported one, it is updated.
- When an existing laminate does not correspond to any reimported one, its
compatibility is verified. If it is compatible, it remains associated with the Main Stacking Sequence,
otherwise, it is changed into a standard Stacking Sequence.
- A laminate is compatible with a new Main Stacking Sequence if its
layers are an ordered sub-set of all layers of the Main Stacking Sequence, and are
not deleted at reimport.
- A layer can be updated: When an existing laminate corresponds to a re-imported one,
it is updated at reimport (change of layer level or sequence name).
- During re-import, swap of laminates, deletion of a laminate, change of a material or
orientation of a layer are not supported.
Main Stacking Sequence, Grid,
and Virtual Stacking Definitions
Warnings are issued when there is a mix of laminates (SS/MSS and others), after importing
laminates on cells, or manual edition of cells. In such cases, the Main Stacking Sequence and its
associated layer data (level, name) are not used downstream.
- When using a Main Stacking Sequence, the
Virtual Stacking is created from the order of layers in the Main Stacking Sequence. When
defined, the layer lever and layer name provide respectively the level data and
sequence name of the generated Virtual Sequence in the Virtual Stacking.
- Layer information (level and name) is applied to each Virtual Sequence of the
Virtual Stacking.
- Layer levels are stored on each virtual sequence.
- In the Ply entity level view, the layer level is identical for each ply of the same
- Information display in Virtual Stacking is adapted to the Main Stacking Sequence
- At ply generation, layer levels can be used as drop-off order, enabling you to drive
the staggering from layer levels defined externally.
Definition by Export/Import
You can define laminates by exporting their definition as an external file, modifying it
and reimporting it.
Both Excel and text files are supported.
Although this is not the recommended way, it is possible to import the laminates from a grid
definition file, exported as explained in , as this file contains both
information on the grid and on the laminates. However, the information on the grid is not
taken into account. In particular, if you re-export the laminates obtained this way from the
Composites Parameters dialog box, the information on the grid is lost
in the export file. The command is also different, as it imports laminates information
specific to defined zones, given as thickness laws, without color data, whereas
Composites Parameters imports full laminates information, with
stacking defined either as thickness laws or stacking sequences.