Select an Analysis Boundary.
It contains all the information to compute extensions (Axis, surfaces, boundaries,
planes, …).
Select a global splitting element, such as a Convex Polygon.
Enter the values of Minimum G2 Length and Minimum G1
Under Parameters, select relevant check boxes.
Click Apply.
Surface Extension Manager computes Connect Surfaces or
Fillet Connects where the quality is guaranteed, for example on a Transition Boundary.
Because the boundary is divided in several Surface Extension Boundaries, gaps need to
be filled to create a complete surface belt.
To fill remaining gaps, select the Fill Complex Gaps check box
and select an option from the list.
A Surface Extension Manager feature is created in the tree. It contains
- The Minimum Length and Curvature Threshold
- Surface Extension Results and Connect Surface
Results or Fillet Connect Results, that each contains
a result surface.
You can edit each feature in Surface Extension Manager.
Editions are taken into account in the final join created by Surface Extension