Related Guides and Resources

Before using Civil Engineering 3D Design, you need to understand the basic concepts and capabilities of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.

Guide Description
Getting Started Describes the key tasks to discover the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
3DEXPERIENCE Platform Describes the key concepts and capabilities of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, such as the Compass, 6WTags, 3DSearch, and 3DNotification.
3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps Describes the user interface and tools common to all native apps. This guide complements 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.
3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps Content Collects the reference topics about the content delivered for some native apps.
Enterprise Knowledge Language Reference GuideProvides reference information about the different types, methods and functions used by the Enterprise Knowledge Language (EKL) to define programs and operations specific to apps.
Collaboration and Approvals User's Guide

Describes the user interface and tools common to many Collaboration and Approvals-based apps, such as routes, subscriptions, and discussions.

People & Organizations and Content Guide Describes the baseline 3DEXPERIENCE platform environment and explains how to use the 3DEXPERIENCE Administration Console to manage people and organization (P&O) objects such as persons, collaborative spaces, and organizations, and to configure business rules and content security.
Natural Assembly: User's GuideDescribes how to compose new projects by searching for and reusing existing products, brainstorm between designers and non-CAD specialists in 3D, and harness collective intelligence.
Terrain Preparation User 's GuideDescribes the set of tools to model physical terrains as realistically and accurately as possible and to quickly turn a conventional map into a captivating 3DEXPERIENCE.
Part DesignDescribes how to create 3D mechanical shapes.
Generative Shape DesignComplements the Building and Civil Assemblies User's Guide and Terrain Preparation User 's Guide. Provides a set of design tools based on Generative Wireframe and Surface and Part Design apps.
Sketcher User's Guide Describes how you can sketch 2D elements.
FreeStyle Shape Design User's Guide Describes how to to design surface elements dynamically.
Space Referential User's Guide Describes how to create reference plane systems and edit them.
Functional Plastic Parts User's GuideDescribes how to develop 3D digital models also called functional modeling.

If you have a 3DEXPERIENCE ID, you can find additional assistance as follows:

  • The Program Directory includes the latest information about new features and known issues.
  • The Knowledge Base provides question-and-answer articles for a wide range of content. You can search the Knowledge Base for information relevant to your app.