Editing the Bridge Locally

You can edit the bridge type and object type locally.

See Also
About the Bridge Design Assistant
  1. To edit the type and object type of one or several bridge elements, select them in the 3D area or in the tree.
    A contextual panel is displayed.
  2. To edit the type of the selected elements, select a new Type box in the contextual panel.
  3. To edit the object type of selected elements, click Define by Type in the contextual panel to search for a user-defined object type and associate it to the deck.

    When you select a type and/or object type, the selected element is highlighted in the 3D area and a contextual panel is displayed with the same name as the component.

    Here is the list of the available types per component:
    Tip: You can manage the definition of the bridge elements using the following commands:
    • Edit Specification Parameters to start the Capture Component Specifications command. The Capture Component Specifications dialog box is displayed. Click Edit Parameters to edit the object type parameters of an element contained in the Bridge Layout Set. For more information, see Component-based Design.
      Note: Height, length et width are basic dimension and can be applied to any geometrical entities. If the parameter in the panel (for example, Deck Width) is different from the user feature parameters (for example, Width), you cannot change these values. It can be done when user features apply to the bridge design convention.
    • Instantiate local user features to generate the 3D design of only the user-defined features. This command is available only when object types have been assigned.
    • Undefine by Type to delete the object type of the selected element. In the 3D area, the element has a dashed profile and "Not assigned" as a contextual text.
      Note: The color of the elements in the 3D area indicates their user-defined status:
      • Green: There is no local definition on the element. No object type has been assigned to the element in global mode.
      • Blue: when the local definition is different from the global one.
      • Dashed line: No object type has been assigned to the element in local mode.
    • Reset to global object type to retrieve the selected element with its object type, previously defined in the Global Object Types area.