Creating a Linear Stretch

In the civil engineering, road or railway disciplines, you can create a linear stretch by concatenating subgrades or earthworks along an alignment to ease terrain modification and consolidate subgrade layers.

If the cross sections used for different earthworks are very different, the concatenation of these earthworks may fail, or lead to unstable results.

Before you begin: Open a product containing a Civil/Road/Railway node, with subgrades or earthworks under it.
  1. From the Civil Engineering/Road/Railway section of the action bar, click Civil/Road/Railway Linear Stretch .

    The Road Linear Stretch dialog box is displayed.

    Here is an example of road earthworks containing gaps or in contact/overlapped sections:

    It is highly recommended to avoid using overlapped stretches as input.

  2. To concatenate earthworks and/or subgrade layers, select the results you want to compute in the Generate list:
    1. All: consolidates both earthworks and subgrade layers.
    2. Only terrain-related results: consolidates only earthworks.
    3. Only subgrade layer: consolidates only subgrade layers.

    The linear stretch command can accept subgrades and earthworks. The inputs of linear stretch may contain earthworks and/or subgrade layers. You can consolidate subgrade layers in one linear stretch, and terrain-related results in another one.

  3. Click Show Preferences , and select the Enable the creation of publications check box to publish the subgrade layers.
  4. To apply a default gap to two consecutive earthworks, set a value in the Default Gap box of the Linear Stretch window.

    A message asks you if you want to reset the value of the existing gaps or apply the new default gap only to new ones. When the Default Gap is equal to 0m in the Linear Stretch dialog box, the User Gap is automatically set to 0.5m.

    When you select an input, the User Gap cell is set to the value of the default gap.

  5. To apply different values to different gaps, edit the gap value in User Gap column.
  6. To list inputs along the linear stretch alignment, click an item under the Start Station column of the Linear Stretch dialog box and select the Order along the alignment contextual command.

    By default, the inputs are listed according to its selection order.

  7. Click Apply or OK when satisfied.

    A transition is created to concatenate adjacent subgrades/earthworks. It is also applied to subgrade layers. The different subgrade/earthwork stretches are now considered as a unique stretch, which facilitates the terrain modification later on. The intermediate gaps or, abrupt or overlapped sections are automatically filled or adjusted as shown in the image below.

    The common/excavation/filling stretches are updated.

  8. To edit a linear stretch, double-click it.