Searching for Objects

You can use BIM attributes to search through all building and civil objects to locate similar objects.

Before you begin:
  • Begin to create the project model.
  • Add attributes extensions and attribute values for the objects in the model.
    Note: The more attribute values you enter, the more you can refine your search.
See Also
Copying BIM attribute Extensions
  1. From the Civil Engineering section of the action bar, click BIM Attributes .
  2. In the tree, click an object for your similarity search.
  3. In the BIM Attributes panel, click Find Similar.
  4. To do a broad search to find all objects of the same object type, click .
  5. To search for objects that have some matching attribute values, but not necessarily all matching values:
    1. Select Match any selected attribute.
    2. From each extension, select the attribute check boxes that are required to match.

      Tip: To select all attribute check boxes within an extension, select the check box at the attribute extension level.

    3. Click .
  6. To search only for objects with exact matches for your selection of attributes:
    1. Select Match all selected attributes.
    2. From each extension, select the attribute check boxes that must match.
    3. Click .

In the tree, the system highlights the search results. To see a list of the object matches, click Show Product List .

After searching for similar objects, you can copy extension feature from a source object to the similar objects in the search results.