Pattern Composition
A linear pattern is composed of a list of groups.
A group is composed of a list of axes. Group limit axes limit the group. In 3D view, the group limit is represented with major axes. A lock/unlock status is associated to them.
Axes between the start limit axes and the end limit are group internal axes. A group may not have internal axis.

refers to group internal axes.
refers to group limit axes.
refers to Group 1.
refers to Group 2.
refers to Group 3.
Pattern Start and End Limits
By default, the pattern starts from the master axis which is also pattern start limit, and ends at the pattern end limit, called also pattern limit.
If the last group is defined by count and spacing, pattern end limit is not mandatory. Otherwise, it's mandatory.

represents the pattern start limit, the first axis of the pattern.
represents the pattern end limit, the last axis of the pattern.

refers to the start element.
refers to the start offset.
refers to the first axis of the pattern.
refers to the last axis of the pattern.
refers to the end offset.
refers to the end element.
A linear pattern always has a start limit and an end limit.