Creating Technological Impacts on Representations

Impacted by Components involves creating an impact on one or several representations. One typical usage of Impacted by Components is for creating openings for windows and doors on a wall.

  • Hide the components that clash with the selected representation to exclude them.
  • If the selected representation maturity does not allow the modification, an error message lets you select another representation.
For more information, see Smart Mechanical Components User's Guide: Working with Smart Mechanical Components Creating Technological Impacts on Representations.

  1. Open a product that contains components.
  2. From the Component section of the action bar, click Impacted by Components .
  3. In the work area select one or several representations.
    The representations are highlighted.
  4. Click .
    Impact features are created under the PartBody of the Impacted Representation.
  5. Optional: To view the impact results on the product in the 3D area, click Update .

Note: In the case of assembly components, the civil engineering component taken into account is the last parent component that contains at least one assembly feature publication of the representation in clash.