Export as a File to an Existing 3DSpace Document
You can take a snapshot of a Change Intelligence line or bar chart and attach it as a file to an existing 3DSpace document.
On the line or bar chart you want to export a snapshot of, click
Menu >
Export to 3DSpace.
A snapshot of the chart is taken and the Export to 3DSpace dialog box opens. This Export to 3DSpace dialog box displays the snapshot that was taken.Note: The snapshot reflects all visible interactions you may have had with the chart before you clickedExport to 3DSpace. For example, if you hid a series, this series is also hidden from the snapshot.
From any widget that displays the 3DSpace
document you want to attach your snapshot to, drag this 3DSpace
document to the
Drop 3DSpace Object area of the Export to 3DSpace dialog box.
The Document Information and File Information panes appear.Note: The Document Information pane displays the properties of the 3DSpace document you dropped in read-only mode. -
From the File Information pane, do either of the
- To attach your snapshot to the 3DSpace document as a new file, select the Add New File check box and enter a name for your snapshot in the Name field.
- To update an existing file of the 3DSpace
document with your snapshot, clear the Add New File check box
and select the existing file you want to update from the Name
list.Note: Updating an existing file creates a new version of the file. For more information, see Social and Collaborative: Enterprise Modeling and Execution: 3DSpace: Managing Content: Updating Existing Documents.
- Optional: In the Comments field, enter a comment.
Click Export.
Your snapshot is added as new file or replaces an existing file accordingly, and a
Drag object [Document Name: Document Title] command is displayed.
Important: Any user who has access to your collaborative space can access the snapshot of your chart, even if they are not allowed to access this chart on Change Intelligence. -
Optional: Drag the
Drag object [Document Name: Document Title] command to any compatible widget to use this document in this widget.
- Optional: Click the snapshot that is displayed on the Export to 3DSpace dialog box to download it to your computer.
to close the Export to 3DSpace dialog box.