- Select the export format.
- Enter the storage path of the export files.
- Optional: If you have selected an existing file, or generated one, click Open to check its content.
- Select a Laser projector.
- Select the Axis system used to compute the coordinates of the points in the export file.
- Set the Options.
- Discretization
- Core sample scope used when elevating the ply contour from its reference surface.
- Material thickness.
- Optional: Select the Invert stacking and normal vectors check box.
This does not affect the elevation of discretization points since the core sample is performed with the actual stacking order.
- By default, 3D shapes of plies and cut-pieces are exported. Select Flatten to export the flatten shapes instead.
When Flatten is selected: - 3D contours, geometries in Additional Geometries Set, 3D
stacking text directly under a ply or a cut-piece are ignored.
- Visible geometries and stacking texts created in a Flatten Body with
option Taken into account by laser projection are
taken into account.
- Stacking texts created outside Flatten Bodies with option Taken into account by laser projection are taken
into account only if different from 3D type.
- Guide curves and order of drape geometries are not
taken into account.
Automatic texts are not generated.
- Core Sample Scope options are disabled as there is no elevation.
- Compute is disabled as there is no core sampling.
- The Flatten Body category of stacking text is ignored. When selected in the export preview, the text is displayed with a line type font, like other 3D stacking texts.
- Each visible geometry of a Flatten Body generates one item in laser projection and one per domain. Points and surfaces are ignored.
- The items are listen in the 2D tree according to their category:
- Outer and inner contours are displayed as contours.
- Rosettes are displayed as Rosettes.
- Others are displayed as additional contours or curves.
Select the entities to export.
Selected entities are automatically discretized with the current discretization options. The preview tree opens with elements to export and projectors. - If relevant, select a Mirror
- Clear the mirror plane selection to de-activate the option.
- If you have selected a laser projector, select
the Mirror Target Points check box to mirror them as
Laser projectors are not mirrored.
- Under the preview tree, select Options to set the display.
- Select a node in the preview tree to check the discretization parameters or the elements to export.
This is a selection for check, not for export.
- Select a projector node to display the rays on the target points.
- Optional: Double-click a projector node to edit the projector.
- If the discretization is not satisfactory, edit the discretization parameters, click Refresh Discretization and perform another check.
- Once you are satisfied with the check, click Compute.
Click Export.
A disabled Compute indicates there is no modification; the computation is quick. Otherwise, it will be longer as the normal vectors and elevation are computed anew.