Accessing Favorite Commands

You can organize your favorite commands through an immersive dialog box for a quicker access.

  1. In the Action Pad, click the command you want to run.
  2. To add commands from the Customize dialog box, click Customize (if the Action Pad empty), or select Me > Preferences > Customize.
  3. In the Customize dialog box, access the Action Pad tab, and then click Add Commands.
  4. From the commands list, select the commands you want to add to the Action Pad.
  5. To organize commands, click Add Separator to insert a line at the end of the list (if no command is selected), or before the selected command.
  6. To add commands from the action bar, click Action Bar Customization .
  7. Drag the command of your choice to the Action Pad.
  8. To exit customization mode, click Action Bar Customization .
  9. Click Action Pad to close the Action Pad.