Cross Highlighting

When an object is selected in the Save dialog box, it is also selected in the tree and in the geometry area.

Inversely, any object selected in the tree or in the geometry area is selected in the Save dialog box.

This page discusses:

Geometry Area

When an object is selected in the geometry area, it is also highlighted in the tree.

If the selected geometry belongs to a 3D Part or if the father reference is zoomed in the Save dialog box, then the list in the Save dialog box is automatically scrolled so that the object is visible and selected.

  • The following commands are available while the Save dialog box is open: Properties, Lock, Unlock and Change Maturity. If modifications are made through the Properties dialog box, they are automatically taken into account in the Save dialog box. If a command other than those authorized is run, then the save process is interrupted and the Save dialog box is closed.
  • If the tree is not fully expanded, the first visible father is highlighted in the tree instead of the selected object. The selected object is highlighted only when it is visible in the tree.


When an object is selected in the tree, the corresponding geometry is highlighted in the work area.

If the selected geometry is a reference or if the object's father is zoomed in the Save dialog box, then the list in the Save dialog box is automatically scrolled so that the object is visible and selected.

  • The following commands are available while the Save dialog box is open: Properties, Lock, Unlock and Change Maturity. If modifications are made through the Properties dialog box, they are automatically taken into account in the Save dialog box. If a command other than those authorized is run, then the save process is interrupted and the Save dialog box is closed.
  • Connections and publications cannot be selected in the tree.


When a reference is selected in the Save dialog box, all occurrences of all instances of this reference are highlighted in the tree.

In addition to this, all the 3D geometry whose direct or indirect parent is the selected reference is also highlighted in the work area.


When an instance is selected in the Save dialog box, all occurrences of the selected instance are highlighted in the tree and in the work area.

Note that engineering specifications, drawing representations and reviews, which are also displayed in the Save dialog box are supported.

Other object types

When a type other than a reference or an instance (e.g. a drawing, a publication, or a review) is selected in the Save dialog box, the corresponding object is highlighted in the tree.

Multiple objects

When multiple objects are selected in the Save dialog box, they are also are highlighted in the tree and in the work area when working in the Product Structure Design app

Deleted object

When a deleted object is selected in the Save dialog box, there is no cross highlighting because it is not applicable.