About the CoexistenceAdministration Batch

This section provides information about the CoexistenceAdministration access rights and the configuration of the batch parameters.

You can configure the propagation capability. It enables you to apply the Ownership transfer or the Delete operation to the children of the objects selected through the ENOVIA 3DEXPERIENCE provider.

This page discusses:

Access Rights

The access is granted by adding the person to the database with at least one P&O context.

Access rights can be modified through an interactive tool (the ENOVIA Business administration console), or a batch tool (MQL scripts) by adding or removing:

  • P&O contexts, projects, roles or organizations (all of these objects are stored as roles in ENOVIA 3DEXPERIENCE)
  • Persons.

Note that the vplm:: COEXISTENCEADMIN VPLM command is an administration object and cannot be customized.

Propagation Depth

The propagation depth enables you to apply or not apply the operation to the children of the selected objects. The propagation depth is available for Mastership Transfer and Mapping Extract operations.

By default, the depth value is set to 0 which means that the operation is not saved to the children. Only the selected objects are processed.

In the example below, 3DEXPERIENCE Product is selected and the propagation depth is set to 0. Therefore, the operation is applied to 3DEXPERIENCE Product only:

If the depth value is set to 1, the behavior is different depending on whether you select the First instance level option or not:

  • If the First instance level option is cleared: The operation is applied to the selected objects, their first level of instances, and to their children at the second level.

    In the example below, 3DEXPERIENCE Product is selected, the propagation depth is set to 1, and the First instance level option is cleared. The operation is applied to 3DEXPERIENCE Product and its first level of instances and representation instances, but also to their references and representations:

  • If the First instance level option is selected: The operation is applied to the selected objects and to their first level of instances only, excluding their children at the second level.

    In the example below, 3DEXPERIENCE Product is selected, the propagation depth is set to 1, and the First instance level option is selected. The operation is applied to 3DEXPERIENCE Product and its first level of instances and representation instances, but not to their references and representations:

If the depth value is set to 2 and higher, the operation is applied to the selected objects, their instances up to the corresponding level specified in the depth value, and their references and representations.

Note: The First instance level option cannot be selected for propagation depth values other than 1.

In the example below, 3DEXPERIENCE Product is selected and the propagation depth is set to 2. Therefore, the operation is applied to 3DEXPERIENCE Product, its instances up to the second level, and their references and representations:

Propagation to All Children

The Propagate to all children option enables you to apply the operation to the selected objects and to all their children, whatever their level in the hierarchy.

In the example below, 3DEXPERIENCE Product is selected and the Propagate to all children option is activated. Therefore, the operation will be applied to 3DEXPERIENCE Product and to all its children down to the deepest level in the hierarchy. All instances and representation instances will also be processed (if a mapping is associated with them).

Note: In this example, the same result can be achieved by setting the propagation depth to 2.

Mapping Operation Rules

The following rules apply when you use the Preview option.

  • If a 3DEXPERIENCE representation is selected and defined as "3DEXPERIENCE Master", then you cannot change the mapping to "V5 Master" because the specifications defined for this representation would be lost.
  • A V5 or 3DEXPERIENCE object can be linked to one and only one "V5 Master" object. For instance, if a 3DEXPERIENCE product has been exported as a V5 product in two different mapping contexts, only one V5 product can be switched from "3DEXPERIENCE Master" to "V5 Master".
  • If the Propagate depth option is set to 0 (i.e. the operation is not saved to the children):
    • When deleting a 3DEXPERIENCE reference, no mapping data related to representations instantiated under this reference are deleted (except for 3D parts created through FBDI).
    • When transferring the ownership of a 3DEXPERIENCE reference, no mapping data related to representations instantiated under this reference changes, nor inherits the new ownership.
  • It is not possible to transfer ownership from "V5 Master" to "3DEXPERIENCE Master" when data is transferred to 3DEXPERIENCE in Coexistence with Visualization Only mode with the Coexistence Batch.

All the components involved in the operation are displayed in "Impacted 3DEXPERIENCE Components" in the batch report.

Note: This option is only available for the following mapping operations:
  • Delete
  • Mastership transfer
  • Migrate