Deleting Objects

You can select the objects you want to remove, either in the tree or in the 3D area.

  1. Select the objects to be deleted.

    • You cannot delete:
      • An activated object. However, the children of an activated object can be deleted.
      • The root object of the structure.
    • When selecting a nonreusable representation (that is, a mono-instantiable representation), the instance and its reference are simultaneously deleted.

  2. Right-click and select Delete.
  3. Optional: If the objects to be deleted are new, modified or if they are pointed, a Warning on Cut or Delete dialog box appears. Select an action to close this dialog box:
    • Yes: to edit the modified objects. This opens all these objects in a new tab.
    • No: if you do not want to keep the modifications.
    • Cancel: to cancel the delete operation and restore the previous state.
    • Objects are not listed if they have been edited in another editor or if they are pointed by another object in another editor.
    • "Pointed objects" implies directly pointed objects as well as objects indirectly pointed by an object about to be deleted. For example, when deleting a subproduct, all the modified parts included in this subproduct are listed in the dialog box.
  4. Optional: In the Delete dialog box:
    1. Indicate whether you want to delete the impacted features or not.
    2. Optional: Click More >> for more advanced deletion possibilities.
    3. Click OK to confirm.

    Note: This dialog box appears when the removal leads to deleting other objects dependent on the object to be deleted. It identifies the features impacted by the deletion.

    For detailed information on the options displayed in this Delete dialog box, see 3D Modeling: 3D Modeling Core: Part Design: Deleting Geometry: Deleting Features.

The objects are deleted.