Configuring 3DConnexion® Buttons

You can map any given command to a device button using the 3DConnexion® settings interface, or configure the navigation using 3Dx commands.

This task shows you how to:

Map Commands Using the Device Interface

This functionality is available for any supported hardware providing the necessary buttons, for example SpaceMouse®, SpacePilot PRO®, SpaceExplorer®, SpaceNavigator®, and the Spaceball® range of 3D input devices, joysticks, or Intersense wands.

  1. Run a 3DEXPERIENCE session.
  2. Press MENU on your device.
    The 3DConnexion Settings dialog box common to all devices opens.
    Note: A driver installation is required to access device button configuration capabilities.

    The default 3DEXPERIENCE commands are automatically added to the dialog box. App-specific commands are added to a dedicated submenu.

    For more information about this dialog box, see the 3Dconnexion® help.

  3. Press the device button of your choice to activate the associated command.
    The corresponding 3DEXPERIENCE command is run in your session.

Configure the Navigation Using 3Dx Commands

You can use 3Dx commands to configure your navigation with the 3DConnexion® device.

Before you begin: 3Dx commands are native integrated commands that let you modify the mode of the 3Dconnexion® device you are currently using. For detailed information, browse the website.
Choose the appropriate 3Dx command.
3Dx CommandDescription
3Dx Activate Camera Next Lets you cycle forward through the cameras.
3Dx Activate Camera Previous Lets you cycle backward through the cameras.
3Dx Fast Zoom Activates or deactivates the fast zoom mode.
3Dx Rotation On/Off Activates or deactivates the rotation mode.
3Dx Sensitivity Decrease Decreases the sensitivity of the device.
3Dx Sensitivity Increase Increases the sensitivity of the device.
3Dx Sensitivity Reset Resets the sensitivity of the device to its original state.
3Dx Translation On/Off Activates or deactivates the translation mode.

Note: The rotation mode is automatically deactivated in Sketcher. It is automatically activated when you exit Sketcher, then run another app. But if you run another app (by creating a new part or product, for example) without exiting Sketcher first, the rotation mode remains deactivated in the other app. In that case, you need to run the 3Dx Rotation On/Off command.