Building 3D/2D Thumbnails from the Command Line

This task shows you how to build 3D Thumbnails from the command line.

  1. Launch a command prompt and change directory to $installpath/win_b64/code/bin.
  2. Run the Batch Monitor command line:
    CATBatchStarter -input xmlfilename.xml -allow_visu using as input the xml file that you can generate as described in Save the Batch Parameters in an XML File. (Note that the environment is positioned automatically.)
    • This command is for use only on a 3DLive installed from a Cdrom.
    • If you use the command line to run the Thumbnail Builder, you should use the above parameters and the above parameters only.
    • If you are using 3DLive in an evolved environment (e.g. with design functionality), then you can find additional information about the CATBatchStarter command in the 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps guide.