Opening Content from Search Results

You can select the references and representations to open from Search Results using the Open Advanced... command.

Before you begin:
  • You cannot open non-3DEXPERIENCE objects.
  • You cannot open a PLM object created using 3DEXPERIENCE platform if its name contains national characters or forbidden special characters..
  • Visualization filters are not taken into account.
  1. From Search Results, select the content you want to open.
    Important: You can select multiple part references from the Search Results: in that case, each selected reference opens in a separate tab with an editor corresponding to its type (i.e. drawing, material, etc.).
  2. Click Open Advanced... in the action bar.
    Tip: You can also
    • Press Ctrl+Shift+O
    • Or, right-click the object then select Open With > Open Advanced....

    By default, when you first access the dialog box:

    • The selected object is expanded from the database to retrieve all its children.
    • The selected object opens with its 3D Shape representations and its 3D Parts.

    The values set for the options displayed in this dialog box are stored in preference files. Therefore, if you modify the default values, you will recover them next time you run the Open Advanced... command.

    Important: If you are working in editability, the Lock the selected elements option is replaced by the Edit the selected elements option. For more information, see Managing Editability.
  3. In the Open Advanced dialog box, select the open options to be applied.
  4. Click OK to validate and close the Open Advanced dialog box.
    The selected content opens according to the selected options. Below are a few examples:
    • With expanded children from database and With all representations are selected (note that the "ajt_Chassis" node has been expanded to show that a drawing representation has been retrieved and loaded): the content is expanded from the database to retrieve all its children and all representations are loaded.
    • With expanded children from database and With 3D Shape representations are selected (default): the object is expanded from the database to retrieve all its children and 3D Shape and 3D Part representations are loaded. Note that in the example below, the "ajt_Chassis" node has been expanded to show that this time, the drawing representation has not been retrieved.
    • With expanded children from database and Without any representation are selected: the content is expanded to retrieve all its children and no representation is loaded.
    • With expanded children from database is cleared and Without any representation is selected: the content is not expanded and no representation is loaded.