Selecting Using a Filter

You can manage and configure the subgeometry selection to avoid any ambiguity. The User Selection Filter is available in any app dealing with 3D shape representations and products.

This scenario deals only with common filter commands. For information about commands dedicated to a specific app, see the guide of interest.

  1. To access the App Options panel, do one of the following:
    • From the Tools section of the action bar, click App Options .
    • Right-click inside the work area or the top bar, and select Display > App Options.
  2. In the User Selection Filter, select the filter type you want to apply.

    By default, no icon is selected which means that no filter is applied.

    Command Description

    Disable Filter Disables the selected filters. Select at least one of the active filters before running this command. This command lets you select any types of elements, regardless of the applied filters. As soon as you deactivate Disable Filter, the User Selection Filter is restored to its previous state, and you retrieve the filters you previously selected.

    The context menu for elements clicked the 3D area, or in the tree is impacted. Only the commands available when no filter is selected are displayed. As soon as Disable Filter is selected, context menu shows the commands available with the selected filters.

    Point Filter Lets you select points only.

    Curve Filter Lets you select curves only.

    Surface Filter Lets you select surfaces only.

    Volume Filter Lets you select volumes only.

    Cloud/Mesh Filter Lets you select clouds and meshes only. See Digitized Shape Preparation User's Guide.

    Note: How objects are selected after setting the above filters depends on the "dimension of a geometric object".

    If a subelement of dimension smaller than the one of the is selected, the element containing the subelement is selected, provided its dimension equals the one of the active filters. Nothing is selected if the dimension does not match any of the active filters.

    For example, if only the Surface Filter is active, then:

    • If you select a face of a surface, the face is selected.
    • If you select an edge or a vertex of a surface, the surface is selected.
  3. Select the filter mode.
    Command Description

    Feature Element Filter Selects the whole feature whether it is a sketch, product, pad, join, and so on. You cannot use this mode simultaneously with Geometrical Element Filter.

    Geometrical Element Filter Selects subelements of a feature such as faces, edges, or vertices. You cannot use this mode simultaneously with Feature Element Filter.
    • If you clear a filter mode, or a filter type, you cannot select it anymore. to do so, you have to clear other filter modes or types.
    • If you run a command requiring an element type incompatible with the selected filter mode, the filter mode's icon is grayed. In that case, use the command first, and then select the relevant filter mode.
  4. Select objects in the 3D area, or in the tree.

    Depending on the filter you select, the following cursors are used:

    You cannot make any selection, whatever the filter.
    A filter other than Geometrical Element Filter (for example, Feature Element Filter, Point Filter, and so on) is applied.
    The Geometrical Element Filter is applied. This filter mode is especially useful to select subelements of a feature, because the selection of the feature prevails over the selection of the subelement.

  5. To clear all filter icons at once, enter c:Reset Selection Filters, and then press Enter in the power input box.