Tree Masks

A mask is a symbol that appears over an icon in the tree.

Masks are used to provide specific information regarding tree items. Widely-used masks are described in this section.

This page discusses:

Generic Masks

Mask Meaning

An object requires an update.

An object is deactivated.

A gray film appears over the icons of hidden objects.

An update is deactivated.

The status of an object is unknown.

The filter view mode is selected.

Masks for 3D Shapes

Mask Meaning

A secondary body is of positive polarity.

A secondary body is of negative polarity.

In FreeStyle Shape Design, indicates that a constraint set is set as current constraint set.

In FreeStyle Shape Design, indicates that a constraint set is not set as current constraint set.

Masks for 3D Tolerancing & Annotation and 3D Annotation Insight

Mask Meaning

An annotation set is deactivated.

An annotation is applied to several geometrical elements.

Masks for Drafting

Mask Meaning

You have to select Load 3D data or Open 3D data from the context menu to get an up-to-date status of links between the view and the 3D. Does not apply to interactive views.

The drawing contains at least one sheet/view whose links with the 3D are broken. Does not apply to interactive views.

The sheet contains at least one view whose links with the 3D are broken. Does not apply to interactive views.

The link between the view and the 3D is broken. Does not apply to interactive views.

A view is locked for edition. A locked view cannot be updated. Therefore, locked views which are not up-to-date will not be applied the corresponding Update All mask mentioned in the generic masks.

Appears under the following circumstances:

  • An error occurred during the view update process.
  • In the case of breakout, 3D clipping box and section specifications added to quick detail views, these specifications will not be used during the view update process.

A view is created from 2D Layout for 3D Design or 3D Tolerancing & Annotation apps.

Masks for Edition Rights

Mask Meaning

The object is locked by another user.

You locked the object.

You cannot edit the instance or the reference of the object.

You cannot edit the instance of the object.

You cannot edit the reference of the object.

Masks for Engineering Connections

Mask Meaning

An engineering connection has been deactivated, either manually by the user or by a command. The engineering connection will be ignored by the PLM Update until it is reactivated.

Appears when:

  • At least one relation is broken.
  • The flexibility properties of a component changes from flexible to rigid.

Appears when there is no error and:

  • At least one relation is not opened and at least one relation is not synchronized.
  • At least one relation is not opened and relations have been manually synchronized.
  • An engineering connection involves two components with an inconsistent configuration.

Appears when there are no error or warning and:

  • At least one relation is not synchronized.
  • At least one constraint is not respected in the engineering connection, or a component involved in the engineering connection has been moved since the last PLM Update computation.

Appears when an engineering connection is in relation with one flexible component at least:

  • For the Engineering Connection Overloaded under the Engineering Connections node of the parent component of the flexible component.
  • For the Engineering Connection Reminder under the Connection of xxx engineering connection node in the flexible component.

Masks for Flexibility and Position Status

Mask Meaning

There is no identity position.

The reference is flexible at instantiation.

The product instance is repositionable.

The position of the product instance can be overloaded.

The position of the product instance has been overloaded.

The position of the product instance is frozen.

Masks for Knowledgeware

Mask Meaning

In Quality Rules Reuse, indicates that at least one tuple false on a rule, a check, a rule set or a rule base.

In Quality Rules Reuse, indicates that no tuple false on a rule, a check, a rule set or a rule base.

In Know-how Apps Components, is available for exposed sequences that can be used by the Call operation. It indicates that a sequence seen as "exposed" can be accessed by the index of the app.

In Know-how Apps Components, is available for exposed sequences that can be used by the Call operation. It indicates that a sequence seen as "exposed" cannot be accessed by the index of the app.

In Know-how Apps Components, the operation was disabled by the user or inputs are missing and the operation will not be run.

In Know-how Apps User Experience, indicates that a variable is a constant.

In an engineering template means that the data will be duplicated at instantiation.

In an engineering template means that the data will be replaced at instantiation.

In Quality Rules Reuse, indicates that a rule base or a linked rule base needs to be updated. In Know-how Apps Components, indicates that the operation must be updated.

In Quality Rules Reuse and Quality Rules Capture, indicates that rules, checks, PLM rules, PLM checks, filter or preconditions are in error. In Know-how Apps Components, indicates that the operation is in error.

In Know-how Apps User Experience, indicates that a dialog variable is valuated using a relation.

When working with external parameters, indicates that the link is not updated.
When working with external parameters, indicates that the link is updated.

Indicates that the business rule is client/server.

Indicates that the business rule is client only.

Indicates that the business rule is server only.

Masks for Publications

Mask Meaning

The publication exposes another publication.

A publication has no associated object.

The relation owned by the publication is not synchronized.

Appears when:

  • The relation owned by the publication is unresolved. For example, if the representation is erased in database.
  • An error has occurred while synchronizing the publication's relation. For example, if the object referred by the publication has been deleted inside the representation (the link is broken).

Masks for Relations

Mask Meaning

The pointing object is loaded in session and the pointed object is synchronized.

The pointing object is loaded in session but the pointed object is not synchronized.

The pointing object exists in database but it is not loaded in session and the pointed object is synchronized.

The pointing object exists in database but it is not loaded in session and the pointed object is not synchronized.

The pointing object has been deleted in session.

The version of the pointing object has been replaced, in session.

If this happens then the pointed object is broken remotely in the database.

Masks for Simulation

Mask Meaning
Indicates that the result is outdated because features in your model or scenario were changed since the result was last computed.
Indicates that the result is outdated because an object used in your simulation was changed since the result was last computed.
Indicates that the result is up to date.
Indicates that the feature is defined improperly.

Masks for Finite Element Models

Mask Meaning
Indicates that the FEM is a 2D representation of an axisymmetric model.
Indicates that the FEM is imported from an external source.
Indicates that the FEM is preloaded with results from another simulation.
Indicates a surrogate model. A surrogate model is a reduced-order model and can be one of the following
  • A substructure generated in 3DEXPERIENCE.
  • A matrix that directly defines certain behavior of a component. Such behaviors include stiffness, mass, viscous damping, and structural damping.
  • A Nastran superelement.