Managing the Scene Layout

You can specify some layout preferences for the tabs used to visualize your objects.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  • When the docking area is unpinned , the tree auto-hides as soon as you move the pointer away from the docking area.
  • You can select multiple objects at the same time in the tree using the Shift key. If the objects you click have different parents, only the clicked objects are selected. But if the objects have the same parent, all the elements located between the first clicked object (included) and the last clicked object (included) are included in the selection.

Display the Tree and the Geometry

You can resize the tree as you want, hide it or hide the geometry.

The default layout displays both the tree and the geometry.

  1. Press F3 or right-click anywhere in the 3D area then select Display > Tree Display.
    This removes the tree.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the 3D area then select Display > Geometry to display 2D and 3D representations of the geometry.
    Important: Do not confuse Display > Geometry with Swap visible space which lets you display objects transferred to the No Show area. For detailed information, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps User's Guide: Native Apps Advanced: Additional Viewing Commands: Hiding and Showing Objects.
  3. Right-click then select Display > Geometry again.
    The whole geometry is hidden (whether it is in the Show/No Show space) and only the tree is displayed.
  4. To swap the focus between the tree and the geometry, type c:swap view/tree, and then press Enter in the power input box.

    This enables you, for example, to resize the tree.

  5. To deactivate the command, type c:swap view/tree, and then press Enter in the power input box.
    Using this command is equivalent to clicking the axis system displayed in the lower-right corner, which is another method to swap the focus between the tree and the geometry.
  6. Optional: To customize the default font size of the tree, export the following variable:

    set CATGraphSize=font_size

    where "font_size" is the new default font size in millimeters.

Use the Full Screen Mode

You can make a widget fill the whole screen.

  1. Click the widget you want to switch to full screen mode to make it active.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the 3D area then select Full Screen.
    The active widget fills the whole area of your screen.
  3. Right-click then clear Full screen.
    The widget is restored to its original size.

Use the Full Screen for Design Mode

You can make a widget fill the whole screen and keep on using the top bar and the action bar.

  1. Click the widget you want to switch to full screen mode to make it active.
  2. Right-click anywhere in the 3D area then select Full Screen For Design.
    The active widget fills the whole area of your screen and the top bar and the action bar are still displayed.
    Note: For an optimized visualization, the status bar is not displayed.
  3. Right-click then clear Full screen.
    The widget is restored to its original size.

Expand and Collapse the Tree

You can select the number of levels when expanding the tree then collapse the whole structure afterward.

  1. Right-click an element in the tree then select Display > Tree Expansion > Expand First Level.
    The first level of the selected node is displayed.
  2. Right-click then select Display > Tree Expansion > Expand Second Level.
    The second level of the selected node is displayed.
  3. Right-click then select Display > Tree Expansion > Expand All.
    All levels of the selected node are displayed.
    Note: By default, representations are loaded in visualization mode and the Expand All command has no effect. To expand a representation node, clear the plus sign next to it.
  4. When an object is clicked in the tree, right-click then select Display > Tree Expansion > Expand Selection.
    A dialog box opens and prompts you to indicate the number of levels to expand. The dialog box keeps the last selection you made.
  5. Right-click then select Display > Tree Expansion > Collapse All.
    The whole structure under the clicked node is collapsed.
    Important: The Collapse All command does not keep all expansion behaviors. Besides, the expansion level (that is, the number of levels expanded after one click) of nodes when you reopen the tree is modified. When you run the Collapse All command on nodes corresponding to first-level features, the nodes are always restored to a collapsed state whatever their state before running the command.

Display the Tree Background

You can display a background for the tree for greater clarity, for example when the geometry and the tree overlap.

Before you begin: The activation or deactivation of the command applies to all the windows of the current session (even those you open after the command is run) and is saved across sessions.
  1. Right-click an element in the tree then select Display > Tree Background.
    The tree area is displayed with the same background color as the color used in the 3D area and the geometry overlapped by the tree is hidden.

    When the Tree Background command is active:

    • Any element you click in the tree is highlighted in the 3D area, and inversely.
    • A click anywhere in the tree background or in the 3D area removes the selection highlight, if any.
    • Preselected elements are displayed over the background.

  2. To hide the background for the tree, right-click again in the tree then select Display > Tree Background.