You can refine criteria by specifying the following elements:
- Measurement modes
- Type of measure
- Calculation mode
- Selection mode
Type of Measure
Minimum Distance
Measures, by default, the minimum distance (and, if applicable,
angle) between points, surfaces, edges, vertices, and entire products. By
default, measures made on active products are done with respect to the product
axis system. Measures made on active 3D shapes are done with respect to the 3D
shape axis system.
Maximum Distance
Measures the maximum distance between points, surfaces, edges,
vertices, and entire products. The distance measured is between the two
farthest points of the selected elements.
If the computation of the measure fails, a message appears to
inform you.
Maximum Distance from 1 to 2
Measures the maximum distance between points, surfaces, edges,
vertices, and entire products. The distance is measured normal to the
selection. Note that this distance is, in general, not symmetrical. The result
gives the maximum distance of all distances measured from first selection.
- You can choose selection 1 as
Any Geometry, Infinite to include all
the possibilities in the distance computation and choose selection 2 as finite
element. By default, reference plane are considered as infinite geometry, in
the distance computation.
- If the computation of the measure fails, a message appears to
inform you.
- Curvilinear Distance
Measures the curvilinear distance between two points along a
selected support surface.
Measure along a direction
Measuring the distance between two selections (component A and
component B) along x, y or z (or another axis) is a projection of component A
onto component B with respect to the x, y or z (or another axis) vector
respectively. The distance is not calculated when there is no projection result
of component A onto component B with respect to the selected direction.
When you select the
Measure along a direction option, the list
becomes available. The list lets you select a specific axis.
Band Analysis
Lets you compute and visualize the areas on products
corresponding to a minimum distance within a user-defined range.
For information about band analysis, see
Design Review
User's Guide: Working with Measures: Running Band Analysis.
Calculation Mode
Exact else approximate (default mode)
Measures access exact data and gives true values. If exact
values cannot be measured, approximate values are given (identified by a ~
Measures access exact data and true values are given.
For more information, see
Design Review
User's Guide: Working with Measures: About Exact Measurement
Measures are made on tessellated objects and approximate values
are given (identified by a ~ sign.).
To display the ~ symbol, select the Display ~ for approximate
measurement check box under Measure
creation in
Associative if possible Check box
When performing measurements in the visualization mode, this option
helps you to create associative measurements with the geometry. Selecting this
option also provides you with exact measurements by selectively loading the 3D
geometry in the authoring mode.
- For non persistent measure, the selective loading is available.
However the
Associative if possible option is cleared and
- For edit mode, the selective loading is available by default and
thus the associative button does not appear.
- For visualization mode, the selective loading is available under
following circumstances:
- If the representation allows the loading, and calculation mode
is set to
- If the representation allows the loading, and the
Associative if possible option is
Selective loading is available if the representation allows the
loading, and calculation mode is
Exact, or the
Associative if possible option is selected.
Keep Measure Check box
Lets you choose whether to create persistent or non-persistent
measures. If you clear the check box, the measures created thereafter will be
The check box is available when a markup
or a 3D shape representation is
By default, this check box is selected.
Under Measures Node Check Box
Lets you choose whether to create the measure feature under the part or under a dedicated
measures node in the tree.
This check box is only available in the Measure in Part and the
Measure Between in Part dialog boxes.
- You cannot cut or copy paste the measures node. But you can cut or copy paste the features
inside a measures node to other features and vice versa.
- This check box is not available while editing measure features.
The measure features created under the dedicated measures node are always visible even if the
feature on which it is created is not in the 'In Work' state.
Keep only Last Measure Check box
Lets you display the last measure in the
work area.
This check box is available only for multiple measures and when the
markup is deactivated.
Second moment of area at COG along XY Check box
Lets you decide whether to compute the second moment of area values
with respect to the principle axes or at the center of gravity (COG) along xy
By default, this option is cleared.
- This check box is available only for the
Measure Item command and only for the
Any geometry and the
Surface only selection modes.
- This option is only applicable for surfaces and is not considered
while measuring other features.
- If this check box is selected, the value of the second moments of
area is computed along XY axes.
- xy axes are the x-axis and y-axis of the reference axis system of
the context in which the measurements are performed.
- For the product context (for example, an assembly or a review),
the global axis system is the reference axis system for the measurements.
- For the part context, the local axis system is the reference
axis system for the measurements.
You can select the required object based on the chosen selection mode.
You can click
to view the
Measure Selections dialog box. You can perform
the following actions in the
Measure Selections panel.
Multiple Selections
This option lets you select multiple objects and create a group.
Complementary Selection
This option selects products complementary to the products in
the other selection.
Example of complementary product selection
Assume the following product structure.

If you select Product 1 for the first selection, the complementary
selection is Product 8.
If you select Product 4 for the first selection, the complementary
selection is Product 5, Product 6, Product 2 and Product 8.
Removes objects from the multiple selection.
Axis System
You can select an alternative axis system and perform the measurements
with respect to axis systems other than the global assembly axis system. The
measurements performed are associative with the specified axis system.
You can also associate the existing measurements with the specified
axis system by editing the measure and selecting the required axis system.