Measuring Thickness

You can measure the thickness of objects.

  1. From the Review section of the action bar, click Measure Thickness .
  2. Specify the following options in the Measure Thickness panel:

    Option Description
    Axis system Lets you select an alternate axis system to compute the result.
    Keep only last measure Displays only the last measurement and clears the previous measurements.
    Associative if possible Associates the measurement with the selected geometry.
    Keep measure Lets you decide whether to persist the measurement result or not.
    Calculation mode For thickness results, the calculation mode is always approximate and you cannot modify it.
    Selection Displays the selection information.

  3. Select objects to measure their thickness.
    The Measure Results and Measure Customization sections are added in the panel to display and customize the thickness results.
  4. On the context toolbar, click Validate the Measure .

    The Measure Thickness command is launched with multiple measures mode. This allows you to create several measurements independent of each other without launching the command multiple times. Every click on a measurable element creates a new thickness measurement.