Customize the <VirtualHost>
tag. First, customize the reverse proxy server name and server alias, for example:
ServerName myserver
ServerAlias myserver
Then, activate SSL:
SSLEngine on
SSLProxyEngine On
Then, specify the SSL certificates definition, for example:
SSLCertificateFile "pathtoyourcertificate\myserver.cer"
SSLCertificateKeyFile "pathtoyourcertificate\myserver.key"
Add the following line to declare the reverse proxy configuration generated by the service installation:
Include <3DSpaceInstallPath>\win_b64\templates\3DSpace_httpd_fragment.conf (Windows)
Include <3DSpaceInstallPath>/linux_a64/templates/3DSpace_httpd_fragment.conf (Linux)
because the service installation creates the following file:
<3DSpaceInstallPath>\win_b64\templates\3DSpace_httpd_fragment.conf (Windows)
<3DSpaceInstallPath>/linux_a64/templates/3DSpace_httpd_fragment.conf (Linux)
and the file already contains the necessary declarations for the reverse proxy.
The contents of the CORS header declaration are also in this file.